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RECIPE // Yogurt Cheesecake with berries topping

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

Using CERELLIN Raspberry, organic and gluten-free, vegan and made only with natural ingredients, we asked our dear nutritionist Ana Rita Lebreiro (@nutripontocome) to come up with a recipe that would spoil our better half. We hope you like it, make it and share the result with us :)


400 g natural Greek yogurt

4 eggs

40g cornstarch

4 tablespoons maple syrup


Raspberries and blueberries

Maple syrup

CERELLIN Raspberries (smaller pieces)


In a bowl place the yogurt, eggs and maple syrup. Beat with a wire whisk. Then add the cornstarch and beat again.

Cover a round, removable bottomed baking pan with baking paper. Pour in the cheesecake mixture. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 50 minutes. At the end of this time raise the temperature to 200°C and grill for 10 minutes.

When the cheesecake is toasted, remove from the oven and let it cool completely. You can even put it in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours.

At serving time, top with raspberries cut in half, some blueberries, a dash of rice jelly and some raspberry CERELLIN, the smallest pieces. Bon appetit!

NOTE: you can adjust the sweetness of the cheesecake to your liking by increasing the indicated tablespoons of maple syrup. Just taste the batter before baking.


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