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5 suggestions for creating special family moments during the festive season

Christmas is a time full of magic, when we share moments with family and close friends. These moments become more and more special throughout our journey, as our awareness of how important they really are also increases.

That's why this year we're determined to create moments, memories and we want to invite you to join us on this journey of simplicity and affection, to make Christmas a time dedicated to sharing, love and family!

To this end, we've come up with 5 suggestions for activities to share with your family/friends during the month of December.

1. Create a list of Christmas films, from the eternal "classics" like "Home Alone" to the more recent ones like "The Grinch", and each week choose a day of the week to be Film Night, popcorn and all!

2. Create an Advent Calendar to open together every day until Christmas. What should you put in the boxes or even in small numbered bags? You could put a small tin for Christmas biscuits, a small decoration for the Christmas tree, a sweet, a key ring, a piece of paper with an inspirational phrase, a little angel, a small lip balm or a piece of paper with a recipe to make together.

3. Create decorations for the Christmas tree. Pompoms made with thread, imitating decorative balls, cardboard stars and angels, small pine trees made with pine cones painted green, just to give you some ideas.

4. Choose a day to make a recipe together, thus creating Recipe Day! From Christmas biscuits to give to friends at Christmas, a hot chocolate for the whole family's afternoon snack - the "CHOCOLATE TALE" pack includes the ingredients to make a delicious Simplu hot chocolate, homemade bread to eat for breakfast or a homemade cake, the recipes can be as diverse as you like, but a good time is always guaranteed.

5. The weekend is time to play a game! Every weekend, without school and work, is the best time to play a game, all together to see which team is stronger  Party&Co, Who's Who, Cluedo, Pictonary and even put together a puzzle, there's lots to choose from and fun times to be had!

Take up our challenge, have fun with our suggestions and then tell us how it went 

Happy Holidays to you and your family! Simplu Family


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